Saturday, April 26, 2014

Fire Insurance Handouts 28th April 2014 Concorde Hotel, KL

Dear All

Thank you for your attendance and support.

(The link to the file is no longer accessible)

Have a nice day

Steven Cheah

At Concorde Hotel, K.Lumpur 28th April 2014

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Tips to drafting a Comprehensive General Insurance Quotation and Closing

Below are some useful and practical tips that may help you to secure new businesses or maintain your existing businesses against your competitors

Tip No 1: Diagnose the Insurance needs of the Client based on the exposure present in the risk using the prescribed Exposure /Asset Listings and Valuation Sheet

Tip No 2: Select the appropriate Insurance Protection based on the needs identified

Tip No 3: Discuss with the Underwriter for the best possible terms by presenting detailed information on the risk to be insured

Tip No 4: Use a Design Template where you can copy or cut, paste and edit the pre-written quotation wordings to add uniformity and speed to your quotation exercise

Tip No 5: Draft the Official Insurance Quotation which is Clear, Concise and Complete

Tip No 6: Draft a Covering Letter with proper Heading, Body and Conclusion with or without Appendices

Tip No 7: Signed, Sealed and Deliver your Insurance Quotation to Client: Creating the First Impression!!!

Tip No 8: Seek Appointment to meet and to negotiate with Client. Effective use of negotiation tactics whether competitive or concession or collaborative tactics for a win win situation

Tip No 9: Close  the Sale. Get Client to sign on the dotted line.

Tip No 10: Have an Effective Credit Control & Debt Collection System to ensure premium is paid within the stipulated time frame