Below are some useful and practical tips that may help you to secure new businesses or maintain your existing businesses against your competitors
Tip No 1: Diagnose the Insurance needs of the Client based on the exposure present in the risk using the prescribed Exposure /Asset Listings and Valuation Sheet
Tip No 2: Select the appropriate Insurance Protection based on the needs identified
Tip No 3: Discuss with the Underwriter for the best possible terms by presenting detailed information on the risk to be insured
Tip No 4: Use a Design Template where you can copy or cut, paste and edit the pre-written quotation wordings to add uniformity and speed to your quotation exercise
Tip No 5: Draft the Official Insurance Quotation which is Clear, Concise and Complete
Tip No 6: Draft a Covering Letter with proper Heading, Body and Conclusion with or without Appendices
Tip No 7: Signed, Sealed and Deliver your Insurance Quotation to Client: Creating the First Impression!!!
Tip No 8: Seek Appointment to meet and to negotiate with Client. Effective use of negotiation tactics whether competitive or concession or collaborative tactics for a win win situation
Tip No 9: Close the Sale. Get Client to sign on the dotted line.
Tip No 10: Have an Effective Credit Control & Debt Collection System to ensure premium is paid within the stipulated time frame