Below are amongst the evidence of "neglects" in majority of risks:
Portable fire extinguishers (PFE) are often misplaced from their original position, or past their service date or damaged due to vandalism. Theft of PFE is not uncommon.
Hydraulic Hose Reels (HR) are sometimes used for the wrong purpose (for washing car) when they are supposed to be used only for fire fighting. Pumps, at times, were found malfunctioned when tested. External Flexi hose, due to prolong exposure to heat under the scorching sun became brittle and caused leak Those installed internally are damaged by the impact of moving vehicle like forklift.
Pillar Hydrants in the compound, especially those fed from the public mains often suffered from low water pressure making fire fighting ineffective. Those installed with own pump sets were found to malfunction at times when tested. Effective capacity of the water storage tank failed to meet the minimum requirement of the hydrant system. . Canvas hose and nozzle kept next to each hydrant point were found missing. Often the view of hydrant is obstructed by overgrown lalangs or bushes.
Break Glass Fire Alarm and Smoke/Hear Detectors are meant to detect fire and summon help to the affected area. Often they are poorly maintained with weak battery, faulty bulb and wrong positioning. Sometimes, the Control Panel is not even manned.
Automatic sprinkler system suffered from faulty pump sets, ineffective capacity of the water storage tank and obstructed sprinkler heads etc

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