Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Training on Liability Marine & Casualty Insurance

Dear Agents who attended the above training  in Klana Resort Seremban today 17th June 2014

You may download the handouts by clicking on the following link:


Please do so by 24th June 2014 after which the link will be deactivated

Also kindly be reminded that these handouts are meant for your internal reference only and not to be copied or redistributed to others who are non attendees without the approval of the author. Trust you will respect our copy rights.

Thank you for your support and participation


Steven Cheah
CSH Knowledge Management Sdn Bhd


  1. Hi Mr. Steven, i think there are some missing on slide about Marine Insurance. Then slide 29 & 32 are same. Could you re upload revised copy? Tq

  2. Hi Page 22,29 and 32 are similar slides but with highlights for Liability, Marine & Casualty (My original slides are highlighted in blue for each category but you cant see the color in pdf format), thanks for bringing up.

  3. I am not very familiar with the different kinds of insurance, so that's what led me to your blog. I am assuming that casualty insurance is best for business owners who have dangerous machinery on their property. Come to think of it, I have worked for many companies who have casualty insurance and who make us fill out a lot of paperwork. I guess that it is for the good of all parties involved.


  4. I want to learn more about casualty insurance. I think it would be great to take place in a training. I feel like this would help me learn what I need to about this type of insurance.

